@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+/* global process */
+ * A nodejs app that puts in time order gps points exported from PhoneTrack in NextCloud
+ * so that they can be correctly imported in JOSM
+ *
+ * author: Florian ANAYA
+ * date: 2023/08/31
+ */
+const fileSystemLib = require('fs');
+const xmlJsLib = require('xml-js');
+// @type String The path of the file to read
+var filePath;
+// @type Array[Track] List of tracks read from the file
+const tracks = [];
+// @type Date The starting time of the script so that we can calculate the ellapsed time at the end of the script
+var startTime;
+function main()
+ startTime = new Date();
+ console.log("Started PhoneTrack GPX file fixer");
+ if (process.argv.length <= 2)
+ {
+ console.log("Please specify file path");
+ return;
+ }
+ filePath = process.argv[2];
+ console.log("Reading file located at \"" + filePath + "\"...");
+ // We read the file
+ fileSystemLib.readFile(filePath, onFileRead);
+function onFileRead(error, fileData)
+ if (error)
+ {
+ throw error;
+ }
+ // We read XML dazta from the file (this will throw if the file is not XML)
+ console.log("File has been read, loading XML...");
+ let xmlData = xmlJsLib.xml2js(fileData);
+ console.log("XML has been loaded, reading PhoneTrack data...");
+ let rootElements = xmlData.elements;
+ let gpxData = rootElements[0];
+ let gpxElements = gpxData.elements;
+ for (let index in gpxElements)
+ {
+ let gpxChildData = gpxElements[index];
+ if (gpxChildData.name === "trk")
+ {
+ loadTrack(gpxChildData);
+ }
+ }
+ sortTracks();
+ updateXml(xmlData);
+function loadTrack(trackData)
+ let track = new Track(trackData);
+ tracks.push(track);
+function sortTracks()
+ console.log("Sorting all points...");
+ for (let index in tracks)
+ {
+ let track = tracks[index];
+ track.sort();
+ }
+ console.log("Done sorting all points");
+function updateXml(xmlData)
+ console.log("Updating XML...");
+ for (let index in tracks)
+ {
+ let track = tracks[index];
+ track.sortXml();
+ }
+ console.log("Done updating XML");
+ let newFilePath = filePath + "2";
+ console.log("Writing to new file \"" + newFilePath + "\"");
+ let xmlBack = xmlJsLib.js2xml(xmlData, {spaces: 2, indentCdata: true});
+ fileSystemLib.writeFile(newFilePath, xmlBack, function(error, data)
+ {
+ if (error)
+ {
+ throw error;
+ }
+ console.log("Data written to file");
+ let endTime = new Date();
+ let timeDiff = (endTime - startTime) / 1000; //in sec
+ console.log("Done in " + timeDiff + " sec");
+ });
+function Track(trackData)
+ this.m_points = [];
+ let elementsData = trackData.elements;
+ for (let index in elementsData)
+ {
+ let elementData = elementsData[index];
+ if (elementData.name === "name")
+ {
+ this.m_trackName = elementData.elements[0].text;
+ }
+ else if (elementData.name === "trkseg")
+ {
+ this.m_pointsData = elementData.elements;
+ }
+ }
+ console.log("Loading track \"" + this.m_trackName + "\" with " + this.m_pointsData.length + " points");
+ for (let index in this.m_pointsData)
+ {
+ let pointData = this.m_pointsData[index];
+ let point = new Point(pointData);
+ this.m_points.push(point);
+ }
+ console.log("Done loading track \"" + this.m_trackName + "\"");
+// @type Array[Point]
+Track.prototype.sort = function()
+ console.log("Sorting points...");
+ this.m_points.sort(function(pointA, pointB)
+ {
+ return pointA.getTimestamp() - pointB.getTimestamp();
+ });
+ console.log("Done reading and sorting track \"" + this.m_trackName + "\"");
+Track.prototype.sortXml = function()
+ // We empty the original array of points data (we don't use this.m_pointsData=[] because we want to update the original array instead of creating a new one)
+ this.m_pointsData.splice(0, this.m_pointsData.length);
+ for (let index in this.m_points)
+ {
+ let point = this.m_points[index];
+ this.m_pointsData.push(point.getData());
+ }
+function Point(pointData)
+ this.m_data = pointData;
+ this.m_timestamp = new Date(this.m_data.elements[0].elements[0].text).getTime();
+Point.prototype.getData = function()
+ return this.m_data;
+Point.prototype.getTimestamp = function()
+ return this.m_timestamp;
+// Execution of the script